Top row left to right: James, Jacob, Blaine, Toby Bottom row left to right: Anthony, Christina, Maddison, Adil

YMT Melbourne 2024

Youth Mission Team (YMT) has been ministering to students Victoria since 1998. YMT Melbourne provides young people with a dynamic and relevant encounter with the Gospel, empowering them to make positive life choices.

We offer reflection days and retreats for students in Catholic High Schools in years 7-12, with each program including ice breakers, drama, multi-media and reflection activities.

Following our school programs, YMT offers a range of follow up options including school holiday camps, conference days and youth groups.

To find out more about our ministry, or to book YMT Melbourne for your school, please complete a booking form and we will be in contact.


Team Leadership


Anthony Bolling - YMT Melbourne Manager

Adil Alvares - YMT Melbourne Ministry Coordinator